With the enactment of Law 397/2000, the principle of equality between prosecution and defense is enshrined, which must be guaranteed in every state and degree of the procedure. The main purpose of the reform of the defensive investigations is to guarantee "equality of arms", therefore the so-called "right to defend oneself by trying" has been sanctioned by the legislator. The most substantial part of this legislative change concerns the introduction of Title VI BIS of the c.p.p. "Defensive investigations". Art. 327 c.p.p. allows the lawyer to make use of collaborators such as technical consultants, authorized private detectives and substitutes. These support figures for the defender have a primary role in the preliminary investigations and their intervention must be timely, in order to provide useful elements for the reconstruction of the facts that are the subject of the crime.
We are a pool of qualified professionals who, thanks to the different professionalism and complementarity of skills, offers a shared strategic vision, aimed at resolving the case. We represent an important resource useful to all those who need to carry out an accurate investigation, without having to search for the individual necessary figures, as we guarantee complete control of the operation we take in charge, adopting a working method that allows us to intervene and manage even urgent cases.
We turn to law firms
who can use our expertise with very accurate procedural investigations. This is because the help that the legally recognized professional and the detective with prefectural license can give to the lawyer, during an investigation, is of fundamental importance for the successful outcome of the proceedings.
We turn to the judicial authorities
who can consider us a point of reference both in the preliminary investigation phase and in the trial phase. We also work to protect both private citizens and companies, providing investigation activities and technical advice, ensuring prompt and professional intervention. The SOS, in carrying out its activities, avails itself of the collaboration of prestigious law firms. This collaboration is aimed at the collection, research and verification of further evidence that can bring out the procedural truth. (Law 397/2000).